Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Good Performance Coaching Can Not Only Get Your Life in Shape, but Your Kids Too

A simple and fun tool gives kids responsibility for their behavior and discipline.

As anyone involved in performance coaching can attest, no matter how successful one is, nothing is quite right if one’s home life is suffering.

Performance coaching is at its best when it addresses areas of home dynamics as well as career and relationships. Dave Thorpe, Chief Encourager at Path2Success offers an innovative and successful tool that has many Southern California families singing its praises. It’s called the Consequence Box and it involves the kids in their own behavior control and discipline.

“Many parents are recognizing they may not have all the tools necessary to handle the battles that are waged between them and their kids,” says Thorpe. “They are finally saying the obvious, ‘I need help! Show me the way to put harmony back into our home!’”

So just what is the magic tool that can show you how to change your life? Explains Thorpe, “The overview of the Consequence Box is this. Create a box that contains rules, consequences for breaking those rules, and ultimately punishments that have been agreed upon by the kids and parents in advance. When they act out, the box containing their own ideas for consequences are the ultimate judge.”

Why does that work? Thorpe continues, “Suddenly, the anger that is usually directed at the parents, is now displaced as the kids must deal with the box and what they’ve agreed to put in it. It not only has a settling affect on the kids, but they all seem to get a kick out of it. There really is nothing that can compare with the realization that what could have been more yelling and crying has now been replaced by laughing. Harmony in the home is the ultimate performance coaching.”

“When I came to Dave Thorpe for performance coaching it never occurred to me that he could make a difference at home too,” offers Mark Tanner. “But then when he asked me what life was like with my kids, he could see that it was a really painful part of my life and that it needed to be addressed. The odd thing is, I didn’t even know how bad it was or what it meant to me. Thanks to the Consequence Box and Dave’s performance coaching, life is completely different and there is harmony in my home.”

“When your life purpose is raising your kids like mine is, it’s hard to admit that there’s room to improve,” adds Shelly Smith. “But once I finally admitted that I don’t know everything, I turned to Dave for some performance coaching. He has helped to not only change my life around, but my kids too. We are vastly happier individuals and a happier family.”
You may visit http://www.path2success4me.com for more information.

1 comment:

  1. Great story. Admitting you don't know something is a great opening for you to learn everything pertinent for your life. Thanks
